The Big Wool Show is coming…


Normally at this time of the year I’d be in panic mode: rushing around trying to finish all the dyeing, labelling, packing… for the Bendigo Sheep and Wool Show. This year however, Bendigo is cancelled due to the Covid19 (is there anything not cancelled because of it?), so we are not going to Bendigo. Instead, I am in a panic mode: rushing around trying to finish all the dyeing, labelling, photographing… for The Big Wool Show online later this month. If you haven’t heard of The Big Wool Show please head over to their website for more details.

The organiser Danielle of Raxor Yarns is a dear friend, she and her team have curated some of the most talented fibre artists in Australia bringing the Big Wool Show to you, so you can browse, participate and drool over gorgeous yarns and fibres, right from the comfort of your own home. For those of you still in lock down, what could be more comforting? I heard there will be online workshop too!

I am happy to say that Cat & Sparrow Australia will be one of the online vendors and I will be offering a special discount for the event, so look out for the promo code!

Well, I’d better get back to the dyeing, labelling and photographing, there’s still much to do and more products to upload…

Stay safe and stay warm!

Love, Cat x


A tale of “two lochs”